Tagged: Backup Failure, Total Upkeep
I have been unable to backup my website for several weeks now. I received the following error:
Your backup failed, and we were unable to detect any fatal errors. This usually happens when your hosting provider kills a backup process using the “SIGKILL” signal. To learn more about this as well as troubleshooting techniques, please click here.
I have tried all the various steps to resolve including changing Compressor to Systemzip with various levels of compression with no avail. I’ve tried all 3 types of compression to no avail. The Preflight Check shows PASS in green. It has never failed a preflight check.
Below is the log. Please assist!
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Total Upkeep – Backup failed
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Cannot add signal handlers, pcntl_async_signals function does not exist.
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Last error: Array
[type] => 2
[message] => file_get_contents(/home/mike/boldgrid_backup/logs-3f21c66f-7817d484709ecb94/archive-1700424388.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[file] => /home/mike/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php
[line] => 39
)[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Backup process initialized.
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Cannot add signal handlers, pcntl_async_signals function does not exist.
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Backup process initialized.
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Process id: 2679858
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Starting dump of database…
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 6144M / 52049720 (49.64 MB) / 63303400 (60 MB)
[2023-11-19 20:06:28 UTC] Database info: Array
[wp_actionscheduler_actions] => 4619
[wp_actionscheduler_claims] => 9
[wp_actionscheduler_groups] => 13
[wp_actionscheduler_logs] => 13830
[wp_bv_activities_store] => 11
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[wp_gf_draft_submissions] => 0
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[wp_gf_entry_meta] => 143
[wp_gf_entry_notes] => 27
[wp_gf_form] => 7
[wp_gf_form_meta] => 7
[wp_gf_form_revisions] => 0
[wp_gf_form_view] => 417
[wp_gf_rest_api_keys] => 1
[wp_imagify_files] => 0
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[wp_kbp_countdown_entry] => 0
[wp_kbp_form_entry] => 0
[wp_kbp_form_entrymeta] => 0
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[wp_mailchimp_carts] => 2
[wp_mailchimp_jobs] => 3
[wp_options] => 1642
[wp_pmxe_exports] => 3
[wp_pmxe_google_cats] => 5371
[wp_pmxe_posts] => 69
[wp_pmxe_templates] => 0
[wp_pmxi_files] => 16
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[wp_posts] => 1174
[wp_redirection_404] => 279
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[wp_solid_affiliate_referrals] => 0
[wp_solid_affiliate_store_credit_transactions] => 0
[wp_solid_affiliate_visits] => 0
[wp_solid_affiliates_bulk_payouts] => 0
[wp_term_relationships] => 47
[wp_term_taxonomy] => 34
[wp_termmeta] => 3
[wp_terms] => 34
[wp_usermeta] => 1890
[wp_users] => 28
[wp_wc_admin_note_actions] => 164
[wp_wc_admin_notes] => 129
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[wp_wc_customer_lookup] => 17
[wp_wc_download_log] => 0
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[wp_wc_order_operational_data] => 0
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[wp_wc_order_tax_lookup] => 0
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[wp_wc_orders_meta] => 0
[wp_wc_product_attributes_lookup] => 12
[wp_wc_product_download_directories] => 4
[wp_wc_product_meta_lookup] => 12
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[wp_wffilemods] => 21946
[wp_wfhits] => 1990
[wp_wfhoover] => 0
[wp_wfissues] => 12
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[wp_woocommerce_api_keys] => 0
[wp_woocommerce_attribute_taxonomies] => 0
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[wp_woocommerce_order_itemmeta] => 586
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[wp_woocommerce_payment_tokenmeta] => 56
[wp_woocommerce_payment_tokens] => 14
[wp_woocommerce_sessions] => 15
[wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_locations] => 0
[wp_woocommerce_shipping_zone_methods] => 0
[wp_woocommerce_shipping_zones] => 0
[wp_woocommerce_tax_rate_locations] => 0
[wp_woocommerce_tax_rates] => 0
[wp_wp_phpmyadmin_extension__errors_log] => 0
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[wp_wpmailsmtp_debug_events] => 0
[wp_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta] => 1
[wp_wpmm_subscribers] => 0
[wp_wpr_rocket_cache] => 42
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[wp_wt_iew_action_history] => 1
[wp_wt_iew_mapping_template] => 0
[wp_yoast_indexable] => 79
[wp_yoast_indexable_hierarchy] => 74
[wp_yoast_migrations] => 24
[wp_yoast_primary_term] => 4
[wp_yoast_seo_links] => 154
)[2023-11-19 20:06:33 UTC] Dump of database complete! $status = 1
[2023-11-19 20:06:33 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 6144M / 52075280 (49.66 MB) / 63303400 (60 MB)
[2023-11-19 20:06:33 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2023-11-19 20:06:33 UTC] Retrieving file list.
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] Retrieving backup directory.
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] Adding Database to file list.
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] Database dump file added to file list: /home/mike/boldgrid_backup/mike_assume_live_2023a.20231119-200628.sql / 98656918 (94.09 MB)
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] Starting archiving of files. Chosen compressor: system_zip
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 6144M / 78888536 (75.23 MB) / 91068112 (87 MB)
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] ——————————————————————————–
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] Starting to analyze filelist…
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] Memory usage – limit / current / peak memory usage: 6144M / 78888664 (75.23 MB) / 91068112 (87 MB)
[2023-11-19 20:06:35 UTC] Last error: Array
[type] => 2
[message] => file_get_contents(/home/mike/boldgrid_backup/logs-3f21c66f-7817d484709ecb94/archive-1700424388-filelist.log): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
[file] => /home/mike/public_html/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-direct.php
[line] => 39
)[2023-11-19 20:08:40 UTC] Cannot add signal handlers, pcntl_async_signals function does not exist.
[2023-11-19 20:08:40 UTC] Backup process running: No
[2023-11-19 20:10:38 UTC] Cannot add signal handlers, pcntl_async_signals function does not exist.Dismiss this notice.
WP Rocket: One or more plugins have been enabled or disabled, clear the cache if they affect the front end of your site.Clear cache Dismiss this notice
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Nov 18, 2023 11:00 am
Web Server24.72 MB View details
Nov 17, 2023 06:44 pm
Web Server33.18 MB View details
Nov 14, 2023 12:56 pm
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Nov 8, 2023 11:56 am
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Thank you for creating with WordPress.Get Version 6.4.1Brandon CKeymasterHi Michael,
Thanks for reaching out with your Total Upkeep backup failure concern. Since there were no error messages to indicate what caused the process to terminate, it’s tough to say for sure exactly what caused the failure. This is normally due to exceeding some limitation on your hosting account, for example CPU usage, Execution Time Limit, or Disk I/O, although it doesn’t look like the memory limit was the issue here.
A good first step is to enable the Filelist Analysis option in the Total Upkeep > Settings > Backup Process menu. This will show you if there are any “huge” files in your website that might be using up unnecessary space in your backups. Be on the lookout for any temporary files
and delete all of those.Also, look for any big files with:
find . -type f -size +100M
and delete any of those you don’t think need to be there.While you’re on this menu screen, also try reducing the Compression Level setting. Start with level 0, and if that succeeds try 3, and so on until you find the sweet spot. This will increase the total size of your backup archive, but reduces CPU usage and execution time.
Another tactic to try is to exclude the wp-content/uploads/ directory from your backup, since that’s normally the directory that takes up the most disk space.
Lastly you can test to see if this is some sort of caching issue. Clear all cache on your site, then deactivate WP Rocket and try running the backup without this caching plugin enabled. Temporary site cache could be causing a conflict with the backup.
I hope this helps Michael, please let us know if you have any further questions for us!