Cloud Snaps for Rapid WordPress Development

Oh Snap! Cloud Snaps for Rapid WordPress Development

WordPress Staging

Choosing Plugins for a WordPress Testing Snap

With Snaps, Cloud WordPress now allows you to create pre-defined WordPress environments including including a theme and plugins.

WordPress Testing Environments

BoldGrid Cloud WordPress has some new features that make it more powerful than ever for developers who need to create staging sites to test new plugins, code, and features for their websites. 

With Snaps, Cloud WordPress now allows you to create pre-defined WordPress testing environments on the fly, allowing you to create configurations including a theme and plugins.

When you need to test a new change, plugin update, or even create entirely new sites based on your favorite theme and plugins, using Snaps is, well, a snap!

Cloud Snaps for Agencies and Freelancers

Once you’ve been in the business for a while, you know your routine. Spin up a new WordPress installation, grab your favorite theme, create a child theme, install all of your go-to plugins, and after all of that, you can start creating.

What if there was an easy way to skip right to the end and actually use your time designing websites? Cloud WordPress Snaps make it a reality.

Create a Snap using any theme from the WordPress repository, or even your own custom theme from a URL, and add all of the plugins you depend on, and then simply click “Launch” when you start creating a new site.

Once it’s done, easily transfer it to your client’s hosting using Total Upkeep migration, and get paid.

You know your routine. Spin up a new WordPress, grab your favorite theme, install all of your go-to plugins, and finally start creating… 

Advanced Controls put the power into your hands. Manage the database and codebase of your site.

Advanced Tools Section of Cloud WordPress

Database Manager in Cloud WordPress

File Manager in Cloud WordPress

Advanced Controls

In addition to Snaps, new advanced controls put the power into your hands, so that you can manage both the Database and Codebase of your Cloud WordPress website.

Import and Export database backups, edit your wp-config.php file, explore your options and theme mods, and use the advanced, syntax-highlighting editor to make tweaks to your theme and plugins.

What are you waiting for? Snap to it!

Start creating with Cloud WordPress for free today.